Welcome to the Mosiac Mommas!

This blog is for parents with multiracial children. Come here to freely discuss the joys and challenges of raising these special children. This is a nonjudgmental arena where you are able to ask questions and talk about issues unique to families like ours. However, we do ask that you refrain from negativity, insults, and use of bad language; this is a family blog. If you would like to be added as an author of the blog ... please let us know.

Monday, December 28, 2009

"Interracial Family" "Biracial Children" Why the Labels??

"Interracial Family", why do we keep talking about it? I have recently seen some blogs and videos discussing the fact that we interracial families always seem to be talking about being interracial families. People wonder why we can’t just be families and not always wear the title of “Interracial Family.” Even a supported said that it is like we are trying to “rub it in people’s faces.” So I’d like to take a minute and discuss why we are multi-cultural families feel the need to label blogs, pictures, videos and such as “Interracial.”
I think all families are beautiful and all love is beautiful however, I share s special understanding with those families who are interracial. Interracial families understand what it’s like to have the unique experiences we face. When I am labeling my family “Interracial” online, it is so that other interracial families can find me. I also search for labels such as biracial, interracial and multi-cultural so I can connect with other families like mine.
There are many stereotypes of interracial families. There are many stereotypes of people who date outside their race. I’m not going to go into what those stereotypes are, but I know you have heard them. When we as happy, healthy families show up in blogs, videos, and websites online it helps to dispel some of the stigma. It’s easier to dislike of judge something you don’t understand. When we put faces behind the label of biracial and interracial family it can start to chip away at the misconceptions about families like ours.
Another comment I have heard is that we seem to be proud to be interracial families. What’s wrong with being proud of your family? I know I am! I have a handsome husband and two beautiful children why would I be ashamed to show them off?  I’m not trying to “rub it in your face” nor am I trying to recruit. Like I said before all families are beautiful all love is beautiful. I don’t think we all need to be interracial families, we’re not trying to promote that.
We are families, proud of our beautiful children, proud of our love. We seek mutual understanding and other like-minded families to connect with.
Peace and Blessings~Jennifer


  1. I too enjoy learning about other interracial families.

  2. There are labels for everything these days. It just seems to make people fell more comfortable to have a box to put you in. I don't understand it or really focus on it though.
